Saturday, June 14, 2008

Danger Bomb Clock

A must have Gadget for people who have difficulty to wake up!!!

After you bought it!!!

You may wish not to have this Danger Bomb Clock!! Or you wish you should not sleep forever:-)

You'll be shake out of bed with explosion sound. To stop the bomb, you have to pull out just one code from 3. The safety code is set randomly every morning.
So thrilling!

Danger Bomb Clock gives you a warning before it makes explosion sound.

The beep sound will start at 3 minutes before the time. The beep sound getting faster at 1 minute before the time and count down sound will start at 10 seconds before it (Sorry, the sound in Japanese). To avoid the explosion, you have to pull off one code from 3 cables inside. Color lamp indicates you the correct code. Pull off the same colored code as the lamp flashing. Hurry up!
If you pull off the wrong code or don't pull off the code in time, you can't stop the explosion. Bomb!! Sayonara!!!
If you unfortunately actuate the bomb. To stop the loud buzz before your neighbors bang your door, pull off the same colored code as the lamp flashing.

Oryx, The Bike From The Future

Oryx is an innovative time trial bike with a one-sided fork and chain-stay. Due to its Y-frame shape, it’s comfortably shock-proof without loosing ground contact.

Each bike is custom-made which guaranties the perfect fit for every rider and simplifies manufacturing; handle bars, stem and fork are made from one piece. The ergonomically shaped seat post and saddle are integrated into the frame with a hole to cool your bum even!

The frame and handle bars are connected via a frame-pivot, guiding cables through the frame as one turns. One of the innovations on the bike is the crank which is designed like a ring and mounted in the inside of the frame by two ball bearings. The whole bike itself is made of carbon composite, which is baked into the frame during the molding process.

In time trial races, like the Contre la Montre at the Tour de France, every second counts, that’s why Oryx possesses an identical pair of wheels which can be removed by the push of a button.

‘One’ - Folding Bicycle by Thomas Owen

‘One’ provides a real solution to the problems involved with urban transport. With congestion rapidly clogging up the roads the need for products that can free individuals from their car are in real demand. When open, ‘One’ is a comfortable stylish bicycle that not only offers all the benefits of cycling (like cheap travel and exercise) but with its revolutionary power assist system the user can cruise around with ease. When folded, ‘One’ turns into a smooth, light and compact case free of all dirty and protruding parts. ‘One’ can be easily carried, stowed and stored. ‘One’ is truly a bike for eco and money minded individuals alike. Its stylish design strips it from the folding bike stigma and makes it a bike for the 21st century.

Flying Alarm Clock

It's not that we've gotten lazy as a species, far from it! We're more productive now than we've ever been, but with more and more work to do, we have to create time by cutting down on late night raids on Molten Core, ordering fast-food, talking on the phone while driving… The only time we have left is spent sleeping. Now you have to stay up late and get up early in an effort to get more done.

Waking up after a pitiful five hours of sleep has its own challenges, though. We're always looking for new ways to haul your lazy butt out of bed. Normal alarm clocks wake you up with loud noises to jar you into wakefulness, however we've become accustomed to the snooze-bar… Now, it's become muscular instinct to flail your hands roughly in the direction of the noise, and smack! Nine more minutes of blissful unconsciousness. No more.

The Flying Alarm Clock wakes you up with a loud shrieking alarm coupled with a little propeller-driven key that leaps off your nightstand. To turn off the horrible racket, you have to get out of bed and retrieve the key. The propeller flies the key high into the air and off into some dusty corner. You have to force your sleep addled brain into wakefulness, move your stiff legs and retrieve the key before the alarm goes off. By the time you've done so, you're awake enough at least to go make a pot of coffee.

SnūzNLūz - Wifi Donation Alarm Clock

Connects via WiFi to your online bank account, and donates YOUR real money to an organization you HATE when you decide to snooze!

For years the masses have told you that if you snooze you lose. You never believed them. You held your head high and slept in whenever you wanted to, always without fear of loss. Well, dear friends, the times have changed. The ingenious sages at ThinkGeek Labs(TM) have finally created the Ultimate weapon against snoozing - the SnūzNLūz(TM). People who enjoy sleeping in are cowering in fear all across the globe - it's finally true, when you snooze, you lose!

Wow, it sounds great! But how does it really work?
Glad you's quite simple actually. The SnūzNLūz uses the very complex psychological phenomemon known as 'HATRED'. Basically it's human nature to wish harm upon your enemies. Similarly, it's human nature not to give your enemies gobs of cash so that they can grow big and dominate the world with their totally wrong, stupid and invalid point of view. That's why everytime you hit the snooze button, the SnūzNLūz will donate a specified amount of your real money to a non-profit you hate. The problem of sleeping in is solved.

And it's easy to setup and use too! Just plug your SnūzNLūz in and either connect it to your network via the RJ45 jack on the back, or via WiFi (WPA supported) if available. Then simply configure via the embedded web browser configuration utility. From here it's a snap. Simply select your online banking institution from the list of supported banks (currently over 1600 are supported). Supply your login information and then select your favorite HATED charity or non-profit from the included lists (over 6200 currently supported). Then plug in your donation amount per snooze incident ($10 or more), set the time, and alarm, and voila, instant time profit!

Common Usage Suggestions!
Are you a butcher? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to PETA
Are you a republican? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the ACLU!
Are you a land developer? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the Wilderness Society!
Enjoy your freedom? (Blue state version) Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the GOP. or
Enjoy your freedom? (Red state version) Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to MoveOn.Org
Are you a hippie? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the American Coal Foundation.
Are you a Ninja? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to, hrrrm, we can't find a Pirate Charity at the moment. But there must be one...somewhere...anyways, the point is it's easy to setup once you identify your enemy!

Never before, except for that one time, has a product created the potential for so much time profit in the world. And we are so sure that you'll never snooze again, we've created a very special promise. We promise you'll never snooze again with SnūzNLūz or you'll eventually go broke. It's that simple.


Clocky - The Run Away Alarm Clock!

A really fun alarm clock unless you hate getting up. Clocky gives you one chance at precious snooze time in the morning then when your snooze time is up, Clocky leaps off your bedside table and whizzes around in random directions for 30 seconds until he comes to a rest. All the time he bleeps like R2D2 on speed and won't stop until you get out of bed and turn him off. If you set your snooze time to 0 though he'll do his trick as soon as the alarm goes off. Brilliant! (or is it?)

* You have one chance to snooze before Clocky leaps into action
* Option to disable wheels,snooze and alarm
* Display can be viewed day and night
* Runs on carpet* or wood
* Can jump from 3 feet
* Takes 4xAAA batteries

You can buy this clock at here

Laser Target Alarm Clock

A laser beam aimed at the exact center of the target is the only way to turn off the alarm aound in the morning. When someone wakes up to an alarm sound and has to concentrate to carefully aim a laser beam at a target, they will be suitably awake so as not to easily fall back asleep. Battery operated.


Puzzle Alarm Clock

If you're a lover of puzzles, the Puzzle Alarm Clock may be just what you need to solve the ever perplexing issue of getting out of bed.

This "eye opener" of a gadget is an alarm clock come 3-piece jigsaw puzzle in one. When it's time to leave your incredibly cosy bed each morning, not only will your ears be treated to a fantastic ringing melody, a 3-piece jigsaw puzzle randomly shoots out.

So what you ask? Well, in order to turn off a ringing alarm, you must solve the jigsaw puzzle, assembling it back on to the clock.

Seems easy...not! It's a great way to get up though, as by the time you've found all 3 pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and solved it, you'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready for the day ahead.

Product Specification

The Puzzle Alarm Clock is approximately 18 x 11 x 4 cm in size and requires 3 x AA batteries (not included). The time can be set to display in either 12 or 24 hour format.

Please note: The Puzzle Alarm Clock is recommended for ages 3 and over. Some parts represent a choking hazard for children under 3 years old.

This puzzle alarm clock price is US $38.35


Making Your Own Clock

The Meaning of Time is a brilliant clock concept perfect for all those crafty people out there. It supplies the mechanism to keep time, you supply the hour and minute hands. You can use just about anything as long as it fits thru the holes. I myself am partial to a barrel of monkeys. Perhaps a picture string of ex-lovers or even more sinister ants trapped inside a glass tube.

GrassHopper The Folding Recumbent Bike

Now you can have a great ride at a small package. Within 60 seconds, the fully suspended GrassHopper touring recumbent can be folded down to 96 x 60 x 70 cm. In the heart of the stiff aluminum unisize frame there is a robust folding hinge with an integrated security bolt for double safety. The rider can relax and lean back in the ergonomic seat shell made from fibreglass or alternatively in to new mesh net seat for optimum breathability. The pedals are significantly higher that the seat height of 54 cm, leading to a fast and ergonomic riding position. Solid racks for 50 kgs load are available as accessories.

Plants Fall Over When Thirsty

Just like people, plants fall over when they begin to die from thirst but unlike people, plants can’t verbally communicate when they need watering. That’s where the Roly-Poly Pot comes in. Using water a a counterweight, the pot slowly tips over when water levels are low. The cool thing is each pot can be adjusted to work with any plant’s watering needs. Neat idea but still a concept for now.

Plants Tell You What They Want

Growing plants would be a lot easier if plants could express what it is they need from you. Fret not because that’s what the Pet Plant by Junyi Heo does. The very sleek looking pot measures soil conditions, temperature, humidity, and water - calculates those variables based on the need of said plant, and expresses its condition via a series of pictograms on an LCD display.

It’s also smart enough to know if you’ve over watered and will systematically drain itself into a water vessel. All this high tech goodness does mean it needs power but a simple USB interface does double duty by charging and transmitting pertinent information to and from computer software.

Lumeneo Smera Electric Compact Car Concept

One of the approaches to making a highly efficient electric car is to basically add a body and other car-like amenities to an electric scooter. You end up with something like the ultra-thin Smera concept from Lumeneo which looks more like a 4-wheeled motorcycle than a traditional automobile. At 8 feet long and just over 31 inches wide the Smera can only accommodate a single passenger with limited luggage, but it can reach a top speed of 80mph and will run for about 93 miles on a single charge.

Both of the front wheels on the Smera have their own 20hp electric motor which have a life expectancy of around 200,000 km. Those electric motors, as well as the rest of the vehicle, are all powered by a 144 volt lithium ion battery which weighs in at 180lbs. At the moment the Smera pictured above is just a concept, but the company hopes to have them ready for sale at the Paris Motor Show in October of this year for about $30,000 to $46,000. Good luck with that.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Collapsible Shelves

PLoP! is a storage shelving system made from eco-friendly corrugated board, PLoP! weighs a mere 1.8kg and is collapsible, so its pretty portable.

Lego Johnny Five Lacks Emotions

Anyone who grew up in the ’80s remembers Johnny Five of Short Circuit. The perfect killing machine with absolutely no desire to kill after having disbanded its deadly laser beam weaponry in favor of a pocket knife. Yea, Johnny Five’s a robo-boy scout but his redeeming quality is his vast knowledge of pop-culture. As tribute to the friendliest librarian robot around, Brickshelf user rack911 has constructed a Johnny Five model out of LEGOs and other compatible bricks.

Johnny Five says,

“It’s the all-new Johnny Five! Just look at these items! Increased memory: five hundred megabytes on-line! I come with a utility pack and dozens of gadgets for outdoor living, lots of Greenpeace stickers, and even my own Nike swoosh! And, if you act now, I’ll throw in, absolutely free, my all-new, multi-frequency remote control!”

Build Your Own LEGO Scanner

We love LEGOs and while we’re partial to the Mindstorms set, Anders Søborg has built and programmed his own NXT scanner comprised mostly of these bricks. For those not familiar with NXT scanners, they’re a “standalone” scanner that can scan and save images as BMP-files. The images scanned can be saved in either 24-bit true color, 8-bit color or gray scale.

Although the device isn’t faster than any other scanner on the market (it’s quite slow actually), cut it some slack: it’s made out of toy blocks. Anders was also nice enough to include DIY instructions on making your own, complete with programming instructions and all, on his website.


Real Lego Guitar Rocks The Bricks

This is no fake jive ass git. This black Lego Guitar is a functioning instrument with the entire case made out of our favorite childhood toy. Jam out with your friends, and if a piece of the guitar falls off, just snap it back together.

Including pick-ups, bridge, and all of the functioning parts, all this baby needs is some strings. And judging from the comments on the source page, Viagra users just love it.

Lego Camaro Is Greased Lightnin’!

Fans of the Camaro are among the most hardcore enthusiasts, as can can be seen by this Floridian Lego modeler. Crafting a Camaro using nothing but Legos. It sure would have been a chick magnet back in the late 70s.

To make sure the Camaro adopted all of the curves of a modern automobile, the designer seems to use some pieces from the Lego Technic line of brick tools. This model is complete with fake engine and pimped interior. Pretty damn impressive.

World’s Tallest LEGO Tower Has Been Built

I’m pretty sure anyone who hates LEGOs is a commie bastard. The classic colored bricks have been a staple of everyone’s childhood and that love continues into adulthood. Case in point is the world’s largest LEGO tower, which contains 500,000 LEGO bricks and is 100 feet tall.

Built in Windsor, UK, the huge structure commemorates LEGO’s 50th anniversary. Personally, I haven’t bought a set in a few years, but I will never forget the early-’90s spaceship sets. Those were king. Either way, neither the tower nor those spaceship sets compare to the LEGO Camaro.

LEGO USB 2.0 Bluetooth Dongle

Messing with LEGOs is good times, even if you’re 53. That’s why some geek in Germany turned a few 2×2 transparent bricks (of a variety of colors) into high speed Bluetooth adapters. On sale in limited quantity, these bricks are priced at about $50 before shipping and handling. They’ll give you that “I’m an 8-year-old!” look and at the same time, sync your expensive top-of-the-line wireless gadgets together. While there are better ways to call attention to yourself, the LEGO Bluetooth Mini Dongle is ultimately more useful than the alternatives.

Surf Chair: Laziness to the Max

As part of the Scandinavian Furniture Fair, Kenneth Lylover entered his Surf Chair into the Internet Collection competition. It won “Best Product” and it’s easy to see why. This semi-circle-shaped chair comes with a built-in LCD on the front and a padded frame to allow for the most comfortable Internet browsing experience possible.

With a mouse and keyboard included, the only reason you’ll ever need to leave your inner circle is for chips and Mountain Dew. Using the bathroom? Ha! That’s for wimps. I shit my pants at least four times during a round of Snood.

Where The Hell Am I Going To Put This Thing

Straight out of the Beetlejuice film comes Dust Furniture, an acid-trip take on real furniture except for one thing: you can’t put books on it. Well, certain shelves seem straight but if you check out the gallery there are tons of these designs which aren’t practical shelving space. That’s alright though, as Dust Furniture is completely for show. Having guests for dinner who do nothing but comment on your curvy furniture? Dose them with acid - the shelves will straighten themselves.

Origami V12 Engine

Montreal native Yee is crazy for origami. Offering DIY kits on his site, you too can create an origami V12 paper engine that pumps just like the real thing (with the help of electrical wires, a resistor, a motor and a battery holder). Damn shame it can’t power a car with pencil shavings. Well, there’s always the next millennia.

No Keys Needed On This Glass Keyboard

This glass surface with the form of keys etched in it is the latest project from designer Kong Fanwen. Using a motion capture camera mounted at the top, it tracks your finger motion and translates it to the computer as if you were typing on any normal keyboard. The “No-key Keyboard” is the sleekest looking keyboard we’ve seen in awhile and is reminiscent of many other touch-sensitive glass gadgets we’ve seen.

No word on any retail information, but I’m sure that this’ll be a hit with all your co-workers at the office. I can’t wait to see the matching mouse.


BMW Gina Is Not Flame-Retardant

BMW’s new concept car ‘GINA Light Visionary Model’ is remarkably innovative. It’s a shape-shifting car covered with seamless fabric stretched over a movable metal frame that allowing the driver to change the car’s form at will. The fabric is water resistant and durable. However, setting fire to it is a different story.

There are no plans for the fabric-enveloped car to hit production lines:

“It is in the nature of such visions that they do not necessarily claim to be suitable for series production,” company officials said in unveiling the car Tuesday. “Rather, they are intended to steer creativity and research into new directions.”

Perhaps this concept will inspire more alternative eco-friendly automobiles to hit production lines in the next few years. We’re all hoping that in the event of a crash, automobiles like Gina won’t leave you in a mangled heap of charred flesh and fragmented bones.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

IT-SMART Robotic & Computer Education for Children & Adults

Info (024) 7618292

Berdiri di Sidoarjo sejak Mei 2006, IT-Smart Robotic Division merupakan tempat belajar robotic bagi anak-anak. Di tempat inilah anak-anak dikenalkan dengan penggunaan gear, pengenalan & penggunaan sensor, pemrograman dasar, dan pemrograman terstruktur.

Kemajuan teknologi robotic sangat luar biasa di negara-negara maju khususnya Jepang. Robot sudah banyak diproduksi dan dibeli oleh masyarakat, misalnya robot berbentuk hewan peliharaan yang diciptakan oleh Sony, bernama Aibo. Aibo dapat melakukan layaknya anjing penjaga dan anjing teman bermain bagi anak-anak. Di negara maju, teknologi robotic mulai dikenalkan sejak anak berusia 6 tahun.
Anak diperkenalkan dengan pengetahuan dasar menciptakan robot dengan metode bermain. Tak mengherankan kalau kelak anak mampu menghasilkan robot-robot yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Belum terlambat jika di Indonesia mengadopsi & menerapkan metode pembelajaran teknologi robotic.
Salah satu proses yang dapat dilakukan adalah belajar dengan ikut membuatnya (learning by making).
Menurut survey, anak menyukai hal-hal yang dinamis, berwarna-warni dan menarik perhatian.
Cara yang paling efektif adalah membuat anak mencoba teknologi robotic dalam makna yang sebenarnya. Tak hanya teori, tetapi juga mencoba menerapkan, meski masih sederhana.

Kenalkan anak mengenai teknologi robotic, sehingga anak menyadari telah berinteraksi dengan teknologi robotic sehari-hari. Tanpa melalui tahap ini, anak akan sulit membayangkannya. Setelah itu, proses memperkenalkan mekanika dan keahlian teknik (engineering) pada anak, misalnya pesawat sederhana. Gunakan pesawat rakitan, ajak anak merakit pesawat mainan sendiri dengan tingkat kesulitan yang beragam. Mainan ini setidaknya mulai mengajarkan anak teknik rekayasa, ilmu yang juga dibutuhkan untuk membuat robot.
Tahap berikutnya adalah latihan menghadapi kasus-kasus yang melibatkan penerapan teknologi robotic. Misalnya membuat portal parkir. Tentunya hal ini harus ditunjang dengan komponen-komponen dasar robot, seperti alat sensor, roda gigi, dan lainnya.
Anak terbiasa memecahkan masalah menggunakan pemikiran logika yang terstruktur. Anak juga mempelajari pemrograman yang diperlukan.

Sebagai contohnya, dapatkah anak-anak memecahkan permasalahan berikut ini:
Aunt Monica has dropped her glasses & is having difficulty picking them up. She needs some help.
Design & build a picker-upper which:
1. can be operated with 1 hand
2. can pick up the weighted brick

Usaha untuk membuat sebuah teknologi robotic memerlukan daya imajinasi yang luas. Latih anak tak sekedar membayangkan saja, tapi juga menuangkannya dalam bentuk gambar atau tulisan.
Kemudian minta anak merakit dengan menggunakan peralatan (tool set). Anak berlatih pemrograman menghasilkan output yang diinginkan melalui peralatan tersebut. Anak juga banyak belajar teori dasar fisika atau sains yang menunjang keilmuan robotic.
Misalnya pengungkit, sepeda, portal parkir, pintu otomatis, lift dan sebagainya.


IT-SMART Hadir di :

# Pondok Tjandra Indah Jl Jeruk Barat 63, Sidoarjo
# Jalan Kartini 31, Surabaya
# Jalan Gayung Kebonsari 45 - 47, Surabaya
# Jalan Puri Anjasmoro EE3 / 12A, Semarang
(024) 7618292

Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008